Digital Visiting Cards solution to create and manage stylish visiting cards for employees which Improves sales efficiency, build quality connections and reduce your environmental footprint
Solution can be Integrated with internal HR systems for seamlessly creating digital visiting card for employees on joining, updating information in case of transfer or promotion and deactivating card when employee leaves the organization
Look and feel and features can be customized as per organizations need.
Web application to issue and manage Visiting cards for employees
Track your cards, views, share card in seconds and leave a lasting impression on the people you meet
Make new connections both in person in virtually, can share with your prospects and clients when meeting in person, at a conference, a café, on a plane, over Zoom, Teams and any other scenario.
Wallet- Your staff can even take a photo of the paper cards they are given so all the details end up on their phone or your corporate CRM.
Can be Integrated with internal HR systems automating your business cards throughout the employee life-cycle: New employees, restructures, promotions and departures
Customized template as per corporate guideline
0% paper, 100% sustainable
Savvy marketing tool - works as a clever marketing tool by driving traffic to your website, social media and key company links
Integration with your CRM
Enterprise level security & privacy practices
CLIENT PROFILE: Shriram Pistons & Rings Ltd (SPRL) has an exceptional lineage of Shriram Group, one of the most reputed Industrial houses. SPRL employs approx. 5,000 employees in India.
Shriram Pistons has largesales team and also substantial white and blue-collar workforce working at their manufacturing plants at multiple locations.
It is required to issue visiting card to sales team and all white-collar employees.
The ID cards are printed at different locations and by the different vendors
Any correction or change in employee data, required re-printing of Cards
There is a cost for printing and cost for dispatch (courier charges)
There is a time gap between the printing and dispatching it to employee
Difficulty in tracking on surrender of cards while employee left organization
We have visiting card design and deployed Digital Visiting card solution:
Digital visiting cards are issued to Sales team, White collar employees and also to all blue-collar employees
Feel good quotient amongst blue collar workforce as everyone has a Digital visiting card which they can share socially and professionally as well and added means to the company for branding and advertising their company profile and activities
MeCard give facility for unlimited Edit, so no need for re-printing
MeCard creates cards in fraction of seconds, so no time gap between card creation and card dispatch
MeCard block cards immediately, once employee left organization, so no need to track it
Additionally, company is able to send notifications and updates to all its employees on real time basis through MeCard application
We have also integrated MeCard with internal system to upload softcopy of monthly magazine on MeCard
Significant reduction in direct cost
With the Digital Visiting card solution, we have eliminated all challenges faced by Shriram Pistons and have brought efficiency, reduced time and cost and improved data security in whole process.
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